So long, farewell, to you and you and you...
For a week at least, anyway. I'm off to the Greek Islands tomorrow afternoon so I have to make sure I finish packing tonight.
Excited to visit Athens and all the other places, even though everything ancient over there is in ruins now. How cool would it be to have seen the temples and the Parthenon in their full glory, way back when? That's okay, though, I'll stick with the 21st century for now, even with all its faults.
So yeah, I'm looking forward to Greece. Even though it'll just be me and my parents, and who knows how that'll turn out? Hopefully we'll all get along. :)
It's gonna be hot, though. And apparently "strenuous walking" may be involved. I don't think either my parents or I are strenuous walkers. I think I'm more like a strenuous, marathon sitter...
Hope to see you all when I get back, and have a GREAT week!